Why is it that when I am actually supposed to be typing up my 10 page (and growing) production journal, I get the urge to write a blog post after not writing for a couple of months???
Yep, that's right, I am procrastinating... If you can procrastinate whilst actually doing the dreaded thing? I think it is actually the non-stop two and a half pages right ahead.
It actually feels weird to be writing, I mean really writing. Not just URLs, taking notes in class or even google searches. To be writing words that complete sentences which I am thinking, rather than copying something else from someone else's brain!
There are many things I would rather be doing right now. Such as being outside in one of the rare sunny days this week, working in the garden or going for a lovely walk with my great new camera (which I will be making a post about very soon!).
Anyway I am going to leave and actually have this post published, even if there isn't much to it!
Till next time :)