Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why is it?

Why is it that when I am actually supposed to be typing up my 10 page (and growing) production journal, I get the urge to write a blog post after not writing for a couple of months???

Yep, that's right, I am procrastinating... If you can procrastinate whilst actually doing the dreaded thing? I think it is actually the non-stop two and a half pages right ahead.

It actually feels weird to be writing, I mean really writing. Not just URLs, taking notes in class or even google searches. To be writing words that complete sentences which I am thinking, rather than copying something else from someone else's brain!

There are many things I would rather be doing right now. Such as being outside in one of the rare sunny days this week, working in the garden or going for a lovely walk with my great new camera (which I will be making a post about very soon!).

Anyway I am going to leave and actually have this post published, even if there isn't much to it!
Till next time :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Here I was, just sitting down to get to some home work, a boring piece about Australian Standards and other great aspects of design. Happy, in my own little world, I had just had some great ideas for my project, I had just read a blog post about someone who went to Thailand to work at an orphanage, it touched me and it got me thinking that maybe I should be thinking about doing something. But I realised that I first needed to do my homework. I opened another Internet browser, our home page is the ABC News website.
The headline...

State of Emergency
Gunmen on rooftops have shot dead dozens of protesters at an anti-government rally in Sanaa after Muslim prayers, enraging the opposition.
Bloody clashes spark Yemen emergency.
The picture. A young man, who couldn't be more than 20, wounded and being carried. Blood all over his face. Eyes half open and vacantly staring at something above him. An arm raised as if his dying breath will still be to over throw his government. While the article goes on about the president and the country all I can do is stare at that face.
I am sorry if I have shocked anyone, I guess I just needed to say something. I cant say that I have a great sermon about this... this... moment. I feel confused and I guess shocked, saddened. And here I sit with my safe, secure and simple life.
If you want to read it for your self, here.
And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars....

Monday, March 7, 2011


So I was sitting here, late afternoon sunlight coming through the double glass front doors beside me, recovering from a coughing fit, listening to the music on my blog (just because I like it) and eating Parmesan cheese (yum), listening to and smelling Mum cooking lovely spaghetti bolognaise and I was inspired... To do what I am not sure, just to write I guess so I thought I would share this scene with you (and what else I have no idea!).
So I just did a google search and came up with these, inspiration pictures :).
The flowers because I want to make some to put on some clothes :D and the curtains because I want to make some for my bedroom and these are really pretty! (I think I will make some of the ones featured in the bottom left hand corner, just cos I have some straight old curtains already, just need a little prettying up!)
Till next time, bye!

Friday, March 4, 2011

150 posts - 2 (or is it 3) years

Happy Blogaversary to me!!! Whooo... I am sorry if I am not overly ecstatic, because for me this is just another day. I have failed to think of something of interest to inform you about that will amuse you, mostly because I woke numerous times last night to lay awake and cough. No, don't feel sorry for me, I have had more than enough people to say "Oh, I am sorry you are sick." and to look sympathetically at me while I am in the middle of a coughing fit, I have found that it does not make living any easier to know that someone pities you.

So today... the sun is shining, there is quite strong breeze around, the grass is green and in some places a tan or brown, the trees are starting to turn yellowy orange (some slightly red, by the type of tree), although the gums stay as olivey green in summer, autumn, winter, and spring, but the bush does spring to life in spring and early summer, with the glorious banksia's, 'bacon and egg' flowers, bright yellow and aromatic dog wood flowers, purple nameless flowers, and rare orchids that are everywhere sometimes there is a whole clearing that has a carpet of them... and now I am rambling.

Today is a Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, tomorrow is also a family friend's funeral, well not exactly but we are going to watch his widow spread his ashes... I guess that is a difference.

Again I apologise for my depressing state and I take my leave.

Till post 151.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

cough, cough, cough

I am so sorry I have no updated sooner but there have been a few developments, first large one I guess would have to be that I am sick :(, with a high chance that it might be whooping cough because Sarah has it, and it happens to be highly contagious. Unfortunately it is not so highly recommended, it is a most unpleasant disease that I don't suggest that anyone else catches. All coughing and nose running and sleepless nights (I haven't yet to have any but Sarah tells me they wont be far away). So I have been banned from going to school and to Auslan, well not exactly 'banned' but I don't want to spread the germs so I have decided to let my teachers know and skip.

Second bit of news, I now have a room of my own so there may be some decorating posts coming up :D. I have been making some very simple but very pretty kinetic mobiles. I had heaps of shells from our very few trips to the beach so I decided to make my collection a bit more interesting and using one of my other collecting passions for ribbons and some very rustic sticks (that I collected from our drive way)... annnnd *insert drum roll here* the rest you will see in a later post!

I have also been painting (fun! except for the mishaps) which will also be in another post.And I am sorry I just cant think of much to say so I am giving you all the post I ideas I have had in the last little while.

Well this is post 149 out of 150, and tomorrow is the day! I am not really sure how or what I will come up with so that you guys wont be bored out of your skulls but I guess I will have to come up with something :D.

Till then!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Late Summer and Early Autumn

As much as I love this time of the year, I do not really like the part where you wake up in the morning dreading to get out of bed because it is chilly and there is no warm fire to snuggle up to with a hot cup of coffee.

It is hard to believe that it is almost the end of summer! The change of seasons represents a change in my life, in reflection I can see it. Early this summer I had thought that just by being happy I could make this summer to be the best, so many plans and ideas I had on how to make a wonderful and happy summer. I guess first of all I had no idea that we would spend most of the summer cooped up indoors because of rain, second I had no idea that circumstances around me would change so drastically that my entire world would be turned up side down, I didn't foresee that I would be sitting here in this moment writing this.

People come and go, we change, lives around us are affected by their actions, endings, that should have been seen coming, arrive and we are surprised by them. Beginnings have profound affects on me, ones that I had not expected.
As I read not long ago, We cannot know the whole story. We cannot see what is ahead but with the grace of our God we can accept and deal with whatever comes.

A new post soon. I will put some photos up of the changing of seasons.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Its raining, its pouring...

The old Pig is Snoring!
I walked out our front door the other day to find this.
She is not a very pretty specimen and she doesn't know about being tidy, but she does send us into fits of laughter every now and again.

There is no way better to sleep than half off the bed.

She was so very tired...
I think she thought I was the paparazzi or something, she was not happy about being photographed in the middle of her nap.
I was not kidding about the rain, it has been raining quite heavily here for quite a while, the last couple of weeks it has only left off for a day or so. We are dreading more flooding, not for our sakes because we don't get very affected by the rising waters as we are a long way away from any major rivers or creeks. But I do feel for the people who have farms on river flats. And anyone who lives in rising water range of a river.
I will fill you in on my trip to Sydney next time! Till then.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

To my readers

Well I have 15 days till my blog anniversary! Two whole years :) wow! I do hope that you have enjoyed them.
Anyway I have a little plan... I have 5 posts till I get 150 posts, soooo I have decided that I am going to try and get to 150 in 15 days. I hope this makes you happy as it means you will be getting a few posts in a short time (not months and months like it normally is!).
This is my plan! Enjoy me while I am here!
15 days and 4 posts to go.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Its a new day.

And apparently a new post ;).

Christmas has come and gone then the new year came with little fuss and no grandeur. But some small news gave more excitement and also sadness... My oldest sister is leaving our home, our community, our state and the country. She is moving to Sydney to be a nanny for a well off family in a rather rich suburb. I wont tell you which one just cos she mightn't want all of you knowing :). We will miss her quite a bit and I suspect that she will miss us a lot as well. It will be strange without my biggest sister around.

To those of you who miss my blog posts I am very sorry that I haven't been diligent with my blog, but I wont spend much time lamenting this fact or that will be the entire contents of this post.

Yesterday, in honor of Ayala moving away from us we decided to go for a bit of a tour of our area, it is commonly known that if you live somewhere you are the last ones to see the local attractions so we decided to make the move and see some of our local wonders!

We drove a lot. The most obvious direction was into the mountains, we have some magnificent mountains right here in our back yard (ok, so slight exaggeration, but still pretty close). The highest mountain in our large but small country is sitting some 100 kilometers away from us and we had never climbed it. Thankfully we didn't climb it yesterday, because that is one big hill! I think I would have gotten half way up and collapsed (or wanted to at least). Instead we drove, visited a few very small towns where their roofs are on a very strange angle for a very obvious reason.

(I would post photos but it takes soo long that I end up forgetting about the post and go and do something else).

*Insert a day break, I was procrastinating*

After Cabramurra we stopped at a Dam, I can not remember which one (they all have names but after seeing four or five of these dams you forget which name goes with which dam), for an hour or so to take photos and to basically just stand in awe of the hugeness of it. I am sitting here picturing it but I can imagine it would be hard for most of you as you have never seen my beautiful country and if you have I doubt that you can imagine standing on a great feat of human engineering, to one side thousands of tons of water stretching for kilometers through long narrow valleys covered in gum trees but so steep so that if you can imagine a huge V with it the bottom of which is filled with water and with scrubbery (bushes) and gum trees covering the rest, that is almost what it looks like. And to your other hand is a curved concrete drop 100 meters or so to a small pool at the bottom. It is truly a majestic sight!

We stopped at another dam on the way home, slightly smaller than the last and an earthen dam, instead of concrete. The Tooma Dam.

To end the day we drove up a dirt bush track for what seemed an age. To laugh at an overgrown 4x4 track called Cherry Tree Avenue. We finally turn onto a smaller 4x4 track that took us down to Bunroy Creek, a secluded lonely spot with great beauty, really in the middle of No-Where :). Dad and Dan did some fishing, my brother snagged his lure so he left it to my Dad to catch us dinner but he didn't catch anything. We went for a swim, well that is every one except me (I hadn't been feeling very well), I watched as they had swimming competitions across the fast flowing current.

We returned home very late, about 8 or 9 PM. All very driven out, my stomach never allows me much peace when we drive through the mountains! So I wasn't a very happy chappy by the time we got home.

And that concludes our escapades through the Snowy Mountains and around about!

I will include my latest projects next time I post.

Till then :).