Sunday, November 22, 2009

So I havent posted...

Now I have taken the step to click on the 'new post' button. No all I have have to do is think of something to say.... :P Apparently I think that might be a harder thing to do than it seems. But then maybe not :).
Ok so harvest is almost over. I have patched bales, watched some strange two kids (Dan and Kurt) tie a car bonnet to the back of the Mule and 'paddock surf', I have tried to count to over 120 (silage bales) and failed, I have gone out in the middle of the night and played amongst silage bales in the dark, I have swam in the rain and stayed there for 2 hours, I have worried my Mum sick when we disappeared at 10 at night to go say hello to Dad up in the paddock, I have ridden the Mule (our motor bike) with my brother and our friend Kurt (which by the way is almost a death wish), and right now my brother and Kurt are turning all the clocks forward an hour for some weird and mysterious reason. Yesterday, because my Mum had a stall at the market at Tintaldra, we rode 8 kilometers on our bikes to see the market (which was pretty boring any way because there were hardly any people there).
What else is new? Hmmm... not much really. I have been playing the piano a lot lately and the other day when I was looking through our music books I found the music too "Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring" it is soo beautiful to play!! I am really happy that it isn't the hardest of songs to learn :).
And... we got our air conditioners installed today!!! YAY!
Well I guess that ends my post for now. I'll post soon :)

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